Home School Umbrella
We appreciate your interest in the Home School Umbrella of Frederick Christian Academy. Frederick Christian Academy is recognized by the State of Maryland as a valid home school umbrella program. Our primary responsibility is to assure that you, the home school parents, are providing regular, thorough instruction to your children.
The Home School Umbrella of Frederick Christian Academy exists to strengthen and equip Christian families who home school their children through Christ-centered training.
Mission and Vision
Support Christian families that desire to provide an alternative education for their children through home schooling. This includes accountability, encouragement, and consulting.
Encourage and develop biblical sanctification in Christian families.
Provide umbrella protection according to the Annotated Code of Maryland Title 13A.10.01.
New Student Services and Requirements
New Student Application Fee: $150 Due at time of application for any new student to FCA’s Homeschool Umbrella Program.
Student Umbrella Fee:
First child: $350
Second child: $250
Third child or more: $150
Billed to families at the beginning of the school year.
Notify the school district for the county you reside in within the State of Maryland via a “Homeschooling Notification” form when you join the homeschool umbrella program. You will need to complete one form per child. Frederick Christian Academy will not be held responsible if this form is not filed. This form only needs to be completed the first year.
Maintain a portfolio for each child containing Objectives and Methods, a Curriculum List, a Reading List, test results, and weekly or unit samples of each student’s work per subject, dated and in order. This portfolio helps the parents to stay in compliance with the law as well as allowing the parents and the student to evaluate gradual progress. Parents should keep the portfolios updated on a weekly basis.
Provide copies of Grade Reports at the end of 1st Semester (Dec./ Jan.) and at the end of the school year (May/ June).
Frederick Christian Academy’s Homeschool Education Ministry will review your curriculum and portfolio twice each year. You should call the school office to schedule your appointment in July/ August to review the curriculum and April/ May to review the portfolio. Reviews and Semester Grade reports will be used to evaluate the progress of the Homeschool training.
Returning Student
Re-enrollment Fee: $150 Due at time of acceptance into FCA’s Homeschool Umbrella Program for re-enrolling returning students. ($50 early re-enrollment discount for students who re-enroll during our early re-enrollment period from Jan. 15th – Jan. 31st each year.)
Early re-enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year will be available for February with a $50 discount.
Student Umbrella Fee:
First child: $350
Second child: $250
Third child or more: $150
Billed to families at the beginning of the school year.
Maintain a portfolio for each child containing Objectives and Methods, a Curriculum List, a Reading List, test results, and weekly or unit samples of each student’s work per subject, dated and in order. This portfolio helps the parents to stay in compliance with the law as well as allowing the parents and the student to evaluate gradual progress. Parents should keep the portfolios updated on a weekly basis.
Provide copies of Grade Reports at the end of 1st Semester (Dec./ Jan.) and at the end of the school year (May/ June).
Frederick Christian Academy’s Homeschool Education Ministry will review your curriculum and portfolio twice each year. You should call the school office to schedule your appointment in July/ August to review the curriculum and April/ May to review the portfolio. Reviews and Semester Grade reports will be used to evaluate the progress of the Homeschool training.
Support Services
Courses: Students in the 7th – 12th grade may take up to three classes on campus. Students desiring to take more than three classes should enroll as a full-time student of Frederick Christian Academy.
Athletics: Frederick Christian Academy operates an interscholastic sports program. This program is available for students enrolled in the Home School Education Ministry in grades 6-12. Participation is based on available space and/or a successful tryout. All students are required to obtain a physical before practicing. Home school students must abide by FCA dress code and behavioral standards at all school functions.
Testing: Students who are part of our Homeschool Umbrella Program are encouraged to take the Iowa and CogAT assessment when it is offered at Frederick Christian Academy in the Spring. Students in the 10th and 11th grade may also take the PSAT test in the fall. 11th grade students may take the SAT test in the Spring, and 12th grade students may take the SAT test in either the fall or spring of their Senior Year. There is an additional cost for these services and students must pre-register with the school office.
Fine Arts: Students enrolled in the Homeschool Umbrella Program have the opportunity to participate in fine arts competition in the spring. Participation in competition may be based on a successful tryout. Competition in music, Bible memory, and other areas will be available. This service is included in your enrollment fee. Homeschool students must wear a Chapel Uniform like the in-person students to Fine Arts.
Field Trips: Field trips are taken by individual classes throughout the school year. Elementary field trip notifications will be sent to parents. A signed permission slip must be completed and the cost for each field trip will vary. Parents of elementary children must provide their own transportation and accompany the class as a chaperone. High school field trips are course related. A student must be enrolled in that specific class to be able to attend the field trip. Homeschool students must wear a PE/ Activity uniform like the in-person students to all Field Trips or Special Event Days at FCA.
Special Event Days: Homeschool students are invited to participate in special event days at FCA, such as the Fall Fun Day and Spring Field Day. Homeschool students must wear a PE/ Activity uniform like the in-person students to participate. Homeschool parents must attend in order for their children to participate.
Chapel: Students enrolled in the Homeschool program are invited and encouraged to participate in chapel on a weekly basis. Homeschool students must wear a Chapel Uniform like the in-person students to the Chapel Service. Homeschool parents should be in attendance with their student. Chapel dates and times may be subject to change without notice. If a parent regularly attends chapel with their students, the homeschool coordinator will attempt to let the family know of schedule changes to the Chapel Services.
Kindergarten Graduation: Kindergarten students are eligible to participate in Kindergarten Graduation. There are additional fees for this service. Parents must be willing to bring their Kindergarten student to practices, attend Graduation practices and help their Kindergarten student memorize the portions that the Kindergarten class will be sharing during their Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony.
High School Graduation: 12th Grade Seniors who have fulfilled the course requirements of FCA are eligible and encouraged to participate in High School Graduation. There are additional fees for this service. Students and/ or parents must be able to attend Graduation practice in order to participate. Students must abide by the Senior dress code for graduation.
School behavior and dress code apply at all times when on campus or participating in any Frederick Christian Academy activity.
Enrollment Forms
Current families can re-enroll using their Family Portal account. Click here.
New families can setup a Family Portal account to complete our online enrollment packet by clicking here.
Course Fee (Middle School and High School) – $500.00 per semester (per class)
Athletic Fee (Middle School and High School) – $150.00 per fall/spring sport and $200 per winter sport
Testing Fee (PSAT/Iowa and CogAT Assessment Program) — $35.00 per student
Home Instruction Notification Forms: Frederick County | Carroll County | Howard County | Montgomery County | Prince Georges County | Washington County